肯尼亚 stands out as one of the leading and fastest-growing economies in Sub-Saharan 非洲. 然而, 估计是因为腐败, 该国经历了重大的收入损失, 估计在6-6之间.50亿美元.
尽管存在与腐败有关的挑战, 肯尼亚仍然是一个有吸引力的区域中心, with Nordic businesses maintaining a positive outlook towards conducting 操作 within the country. There is a growing sense of optimism amongst the Nordic businesses that the 肯尼亚n government's measures to curb corruption positively affect the business climate.
这个白皮书 肯尼亚的腐败问题 提供处理贪污的宝贵经验, 指出了最常见的风险领域, and the respondents share cases from events faced by Nordic businesses in 肯尼亚.