目前,PG电子官方免费下载73%的出口产品销往欧洲, 大多数行业都有大量的商业机会. A few industry segments that look particularly promising are the automotive industry, 信息通信技术, 卫生保健, 食物, 能源与环境, 创意产业. 这要归功于PG电子官方免费下载高度发达的数字基础设施, our skills and experience within fibre optics are currently in high demand.
欧洲 may be geographically close, but it is worth remembering how diverse the region is. It consists of numerous markets that can vary significantly in terms of business trends and cultural conventions. 在一起, 这些市场构成了世界第二大经济体, 占全球经济的20%以上.
该地区包括PG电子官方免费下载最重要的出口市场德国, 在1左右,500 Swedish subsidiaries have built up a solid reputation for their innovative and sustainable solutions. 根据数据汇总公司Valuer的数据, 柏林目前是全球排名第一的创业城市. It is also worth noting that another five 欧洲an cities feature on their top 10 list of start-up cities in the world: 赫尔辛基, 斯德哥尔摩, 伦敦, 哥本哈根, 和阿姆斯特丹.
为了跟上日益激烈的竞争, it is highly recommended to establish a local presence and get to know the business culture. Be sure to investigate local buying habits to make the most of the purchasing potential of your identified target groups. For Swedish companies it is also important to keep focussing on innovative solutions and stay on top of the rapid technological development. Any company that do or plan to do business with the UK are strongly advised to keep a close eye on the political development and be prepared to revise their Brexit strategy as needed.
PG电子官方免费下载商业 is represented throughout the region with 16 offices in key cities, 从马德里到赫尔辛基. 与我们在PG电子官方免费下载的业务开发团队一起, we can support you every step of the way – from giving broad strategic advice to producing detailed market analyses. The Swedish office also has a team who can help 欧洲an companies to establish a presence in PG电子官方免费下载.